The University of Strathclyde have been delivering Degree Apprenticeships, in partnership with ATAC, since 2020, to meet the future development needs of the Advanced Therapies sector. Apprentices study for a BEng honours in Chemical Engineering, as part of the SIPPE (Science Industry Plant and Process Engineer) Degree Apprenticeship Standard. Although apprentices will graduate with a BEng honours in Chemical Engineering, the apprenticeship is much more than that, and graduating students will also be able to evidence a range of Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours, that they learn in their role with an ATAC employer. The ATAC organisation adds value beyond the employer/university relationship that is required by the apprenticeship standard, though ATAC training, support and networking experiences, that bring together the combined experience of organisations in this sector. Apprentices on this programme will not only graduate with an IChemE (Institution of Chemical Engineers) accredited BEng honours degree, but on their first day as a graduate they will already have 5 years of relevant engineering experience evidenced by their Degree Apprenticeship award.